The camel resembles the Egyptian human being in its character as they are both capable of bearing the heavy weight of living and known for their patience and pride. Said Kamel loves the camel for the idea of its agility, evident in the height of its legs, its arched back that recalls the waves of the sea and even in its slim neck, which has no equivalent among all the animals. Despite all these admirable qualities, he believes that camels have never been given their well-deserved attention in the artistic field. Instead, Kamel devoted a great deal of his career as a sculptor to representing different features, peculiarities and behavior of this animal, using old pieces of iron, worn-out engines and cars. In occasion of the “From rags to riches” exhibition, he gave shape to two life-size camels, a male and a female, with a three meters height and 1 ton weight. Said Kamel Graduated from Fine Arts College, majoring in painting in 1979, Said Kamel is an Egyptian sculptor based in Cairo. When he first saw Salah Abdel Karim’s artworks made of scraps and leftovers at the university, he immediately fell in love with them and decided to practice this kind of art. Therefore, he studied metalwork in the professional training institute in Imbaba district and created many sculptures which he displayed in many group and solo exhibitions. |
تخرج من كلية الفنون الجميلة قسم التصوير سنة 1979
شاهدت أعمال الفنان صلاح عبد الكريم بالخردة أول مرة بالكلية واعجبت جدا بهذا الفن وقررت ان امارس هذا النوع من الفن المهني فتعلمت الحدادة بمعد التدريب المهني بامبابة وأنتجت عدد كبير من التماثيل شاركت بها في معظم المعارض الجماعية والقومية واقمت عدد 12 معرض فردى. ففكرت فى عمل جملين ذكر وانثى لان الجمل من الكائنات المظلومة فنيا, لم يتناولها الفنانين الا نادرا. ويتشابه الجمل مع النسان المصرى فى طباعه فهو قادر علي تحمل الأجواء المعيشية الصعبة والصبر وعزة النفس. كما اني احببت الجمل لرشاقته وارتفاع سيقانه الطويلة وظهرة مقوس بتموج كتموج البحر ورقبته الممشوقة مع مرونة لا تتوافر عند كثير من الحيوانات وارتفاع واستقامة رأسه فى عزة وكبرياء. لهذه الأسباب كلها أنتجت جملين بحجم الجمل الطبيعي بارتفاع حوالي 3 متر ويزن حوالي 1 طن. |