Initially conceived as a normal mural, Medhat Benzoher's giant fish took on its definitive tridimensional form, after the artist discovered the work of the Japanese duo (Hideaki Shibata and Kazuya Matsunaga, members of the “Yodogawa Technique”) and took their Japanese artworks as a source of inspiration. Just as in the islands of the Far East, in Egypt civilization came into being and developed on the water, and its creatures have a fundamental role for the life of the population. Benzoher picks for his artwork the ordinary shape of a fish of the Nile, a kind of Perch, or “Bolty” as the Egyptians call it, a very common fish whose excellent qualities are much appreciated. The artist turns the original grey colour into a surface filled with colours that fade one into the other to resemble a rainbow. Benzoher’s work is an example of up-cycling, as the coloured stripes are mainly made out of very small objects, which the artists, for some time, had been gathering, collecting, taking from friends and acquaintances. These pieces and souvenirs of their past now find a different location and assume a new function. These objects re-emerge from an oblivion that sometimes has lasted even decades or from garbage and are filled with a deep sense of individuals' lives and experiences and juxtaposed in the present like scales making the fish the joyful symbol of a collective future destiny. Medhat Benzoher, an Egyptian visual artist specialized in recycled art and mixed media, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Graphic department in Cairo and worked as a research assistant for 2 years in the same college. He held and joined many exhibitions in graphic and visual recycle arts, such as the UAMO, the Youth Salon at the Opera House and Darb 1718. He founded Re_Art, an artistic movement that aims to make a quantum leap in the culture of waste recycling and art of the people of the region. |
مدحت محمد بنزهير–خريج كلية الفنون التطبيقية قسم الاعلان, عمل كمعيد بنفس القسم لعامين و مصمم جرافيك محترف وله العديد من الأعمال الفنية والمعارض فى مجال الكومبيوجرافيك واعمال باستخدام مواد معاد تدويرها – شارك فى معرض صالون الشباب لعام 2011 بدار الأوبرا و كذلك فى معرض الواموا لنفس العالم وكذلك بدرب 1718 – عمل كمدرب لمجال التنمية والإبداع والتصميم لمدة 3 سنوات فى العديد من الأنشطة الطلابية والمؤسسات التنموية
اسم العمل: سمكة الاشباع المقاس: 4 متر عرض و 3 متر طول المواد المستخدمة: الجسم معدن وحديد ومغطى بمواد مخلفات اغلبها بلاستيك سنة الإنتاج: 2016 وصف العمل: السمك من اكثر الكائنات الحية التي تتاثر بالتلوث البيئي والمخلفات الزائدة - سمكة الاشباع اللونى هي عبارة عن تجميع لمئات من قطع المخلفات التي أصبحت مهملة في البيوت مثل الألعاب القديمة ولااجهزة وأدوات المطبخ وغيرها